Introduction to RNNs

Heyy ya guys! Sorry it took me so long to write this post, was hung up with some courses and deadlines. Anyway, lot’s of time on hand now! So I’m gonna resume BLOGGGGING!! Excuse the above. Sorry. Lol. So, let’s get to it!! Truth be told, I started reading up about Recurrent Neural Networks when I was faced by the daunting task of actually implementing one for my minor project in college. I was like... [Read More]

Adventures with NetworkX

I was wanting to do some network analysis and stumbled upon this gem of a library! Well, any manipulation of any sort, you name it, Networkx has it! In case you’re looking for automated tools that do stuff for you or if you’re too lazy to code, check out Gephi, its really cool(like really). Otherwise Networkx is our Go-to guy(/girl! Calm down you people! :P ) I am no expert but here are some of... [Read More]

Introduction to Scikit-learn’s Ensemble Methods

Hey! Are we all set to learn something about Ensemble methods?! Hahaha! We sure are! Well, I am assuming you guys have some background or prior knowledge of basic Data Mining classification, clustering and regression algorithms, like Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, KNN, K-Means etc. So, without further ado, lets get to it. Ensemble Methods, talk about combining predictions from several “base estimators”. Now, this base predictor could be a K Nearest Neighbor classifier, a Decision... [Read More]